A letter of appreciation for my best friend ๐Ÿ’Œ

Julie Feng
3 min readJul 16, 2023
Photo by Ignacio Brosa

As we navigate through life, we end up making a lot of friends โ€” some become your relatives on the web (Facebook), some shared dreams of creating a company with you and others who for one reason or another have become acquaintances.

As a child, I looked forward to the chime of doorbells ringing, which meant playing tag and Marco Polo with my friends at some park in West Island. After a test of our endurance, we each returned to our homes covered in wood chips and mudded leaves.

Growing up, I learned that there are friends you can confess secrets to; friends that are interested in sharing the latest fashion trends with you; and friends that would go the extra-mile to make you feel loved โ€” all of these without being mutually exclusive.

Some of these friendships lasted a decade. Some didnโ€™t. Among these friendships are some that you know you want to keep for life.

This article is dedicated to one of them.

Eileen and I met through Jack โ€” my high school classmate.

It started as group hangouts, where we scouted restaurants in Montreal for delicacy food. Given the context and the purpose of these hangouts, our interactions remained superficial and were treated with courtesy.

One night, after burying my face into my pillow, grieving over a friendship heartbreak, I called Eileen.

She picked up the phone, heard the remaining sniffles of my emotional ordeal, and replied, โ€œhey, Iโ€™ll come see youโ€.

This short but impactful response shed light on her selfless character and foreshadowed our mutual compassion to be there for each other.

It was also that night where my heart opened its own leeway for vulnerability, of which flourished into the friendship we have today.

Eileen is a friend who will celebrate your small wins, and stay on the phone with you to find solutions when you feel lost. She is a friend who will check up on you when she feels something is off, and someone who will remind you that life is not all about work or achieving your highest potential.

Over the last years, I hurried over to Eileen whenever I felt overburdened with responsibility. In those times, she expressed both empathy and sympathy as she followed up with questions that would make anyone open up; her genuine curiosity and kindness for people are enough to break down walls of distrust that may have been unconsciously built over time.

Despite not being in the same city for over two years now, I know that you will do great in whichever path you choose to pursue.

Jack (left), Eileen (middle), Julie (right)

Thank you for all the sincere gestures you have done for me. I am excited to celebrate all the small and big wins that await you, but also know that I will be here whenever you need a shoulder to rely on.

I am happy to call you a dear friend.

Talk soon!!


My name is Julie, currently 24, originally from Montreal. I enjoy reading and writing. Follow for more heartfelt anecdotes

